Wednesday, November 30, 2011
AEDM- The Final Day
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
AEDM- Alton Brown, Thanksgiving Day Hero!
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
AEDM- I Heart Drawing Homework
I am taking I Heart Drawing from Jane Davenport. It started this week and it looks to be a very fun and informative class! We will be learning to draw the female figure 3 ways; realistic, whimsical and fashion. Below is homework. I haven't colored the girls in yet, but it's a good start. There is still time to sign up. If you click here, Jane is offering a discount for all my friends!
Monday, November 21, 2011
AEDM- She Art 2 Homework

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Sunday, November 20, 2011
AEDM- Girl Tilting Her Head

Friday, November 18, 2011
AEDM- Playing in the Sketchbook
I had some time to play in my sketchbook today. This is a small one I try and carry around the house with me. Unfortunately, once my kids see it and my art supplies, they just want to play in it too. Luckily they were napping while I was sketching! I looked at some bird photos online and drew this little birdie then colored him in with my Derwent Inktense Pencils. Love them! The colors are so vibrant. They are also water soluble so I used my water brush to create a watercolor effect. The great thing about these pencils is they are ink based. Once they dry it's permanent. Therefore, you can use other water based media on it and they won't run or wipe away. Hopefully I will get a chance to play this weekend and add some texture to my little painting.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
AEDM- Prep Work
Today was a prep work day. I'll be starting a new class on Monday, I Heart Drawing and I needed to gesso some journal pages. Very exciting. I have 3 different kinds of gessoes on hand: A Liquitex brand- I found it very thick and hard to spread on the page, a Liquitex clear gesso- that one went on the page very easily. The last gesso i used was from Daler Rowney and I found it in Walmart. gesso I found in Walmart. That one went on very smoothly. I don't know how they take media and drawing yet. They are drying at the moment. I am also trying my best to sketch every night before turning in. Even if it's just for 10 minutes. Trying to fit creative time in with toddlers, the approaching holidays and everyone being sick is a challenge. I am changing my attitude from "Ugh! I only created for 10 minutes!" to "Hurray! I created for 10 minutes!". I figure this way I won't be disappointed in myself.
Here are some collage journal pages to play with in the future and one of my "bedtime sketches".
Monday, November 14, 2011
AEDM- Monoprint Papers With Gelli Arts
I was able to do some creating today while my kids were visiting Nana and Pop Pop. I found a wonderful product from Gelli Arts. It's basically a gelatin plate without having to make it at home.
All you need is acrylic paint, a brayer, a variety of stencils, texture making materials, foam stamps and paper and you can have a paper making party!
I rolled out a couple of colors on an acrylic sheet (you can use a paper pallet or roll it on the Gelli Plate)
Then I put a variety of things down on the plate to create texture
Then I laid the paper on top. Gently rubbed around. Lifted the paper off to reveal my print. You can do this several times to create more layers and interest.
Here are the papers I made today. I used solid color scrapbook paper, crumpled tissue paper and plain copy paper.
Click here to see more about this product. It's lots of fun to use! I have also done this technique on the shiny side of freezer paper instead of the Gelli Plate with my kids. (if you want to try some monoprinting and can't wait for the Gelli Plate to be delivered to your door)
Saturday, November 12, 2011
AEDM: She Art Angel
I made this angel for my cousin. I used the methods I learned from Christy Tomlinson's She Art e-course. Christy loves texture in her mixed media and that's what I was really drawn too. Her style is fun and messy and you can adapt and tweak what she teaches to make it your own. She Art 2 starts November 14th. I am very excited. Check out a sneak peak here if you are interested. Registration closes Monday.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Jane Davenport's New Class
I recently took Jane Davenport's e-course, Supplies Me. I was intrigued because this course covered how to use a multitude of art supplies. I have quite the stash do, this course was just right for me. Another element of the class was drawing girlies. I had zero interest in drawing girls, mostly because I thought I couldn't do it. Well, after drawing along with Jane, I have managed to make some pretty decent girls. I still need to practice to get better and Jane's methods are easy to learn and follow. Now, here is the best news. Jane has a new class starting November 21st. It's called I Heart Drawing. It is eight weeks of drawing the female form. Even better news, click this link and you can get a special discount because you read my blog. Jane has an awesome personality and an awesome teacher. Her classes have continuing access after the run so, you have plenty of time to draw along with Jane.
Here are some photos of what I've done taking Supplies Me.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
AEDM.....Refilling the Well
I wrote earlier that I was going on vacation for a few days. I managed to make art on my plane ride but didn't have time to make anything else. I think I was doing something a little more important; refilling the well and connecting with family. I haven't seen these family members in four years! Even though the visit was short, it was totally worth it. I also needed a "Mommy Break". I'm a stay-at-home mom of two toddlers. I've gotten some breaks from the kids over the years. A few hours here and there on the weekends but, I was still available if I was needed. This vacation was a true break. I was many miles away and could not be called to come home. It was great! Don't get me wrong. I missed them very much. It was just nice to not hear "Mommy do it!" for a few days. Now I'm home and we are all sick with colds. Oh well! I'm going to try to get back into the groove of making art now that I'm home. I will also get back into the Mommy groove. And then there's the holiday groove...... Busy times ahead!
Here are my little ones on Halloween.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Friday, November 4, 2011
Teaching Myself
and it's been fun ever since. Other drawing lessons from my other books make more sense now and I'm doing pretty good drawing girls from an e-course I'm taking. I have not been doing the book on a daily basis so, the title doesn't apply to me. I am drawing better now then when I started over the summer so, it does teach you how to draw.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Doing Some Soul Searching
The time has come for me to revamp my blog. The "21 Day Project" was a pretty cool idea, unless you are a mom of two toddlers under age four! I have been pretty good with creating almost every day. I'm doing several online courses (which I will blog about separately). They are keeping my creative juices flowing. And I signed up for Creative Every Day Month. I want to keep the momentum going. So, stay tuned for the changes coming.