Saturday, August 3, 2013

Changes Are Coming!

Starting Monday, August 5th, this little guy

Starts Kindergarten!

What the heck happened? Where did those 5 1/2 years go? Okay, the years didn't actually pass by that quick. My daughter is 4 and when you have two kids that close in age time can drag some days. I'm very excited for him. His school is new (built in 2010) so it has all the new gadgets. He is doing a year round schedule which is 45 days in and about 3 weeks out. I actually like this because I won't have to figure out what to do with the kids for two months of summer and the kids won't forget everything they've learned. Our family will also be able to take vacations when some people are still stuck in school.

So, my little man will be on the bus at 8:30am and home at 4:30pm! What a long day! Back when I went to Kindergarten, it was a half day of school. My daughter will still be home with me some days. Nana will have her a day or two and she goes to half day preschool twice a week. I'll have a lot more time to pursue my art. I have to rethink my schedule.

My little boy is turning into a little man! Like I said, changes are coming!


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