
Thursday, May 23, 2013

I Can't Art Without......

Stabilo CarbOthello Pastel Pencils

I love these pencils!
When I sketch in my sketchbook the paper is too thin for watercolors. It buckles when I use them and I hate buckling. I've tried adding color with colored pencils and they're ok, I just don't like how they blend. But these pastel pencils are the perfect solution! I color in my sketch. I use a blending stump to blend the colors and shade. Then I spray my page with hairspray to set the pastel and prevent smearing.
Here are some sketches that I wanted to add color too in my sketchbook.

Playing with them in my sketchbook made me comfortable enough to try out pastel board. I used the pastel pencils, pan pastels and colored pencils for this. I love how he came out!

If you love blending colors, these pencils are a great choice, even on smooth drawing paper. I got a small set at Michaels Craft Store (with a coupon) and you can find the larger set online.
Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Evolution of a Fox

I thought I'd share with you today how my foxes came about. It actually started with Ed Emberley.

He has a wonderful series of drawing books for children. I think I have them all. Every subject is broken down into shapes. He shows you step by step how to put those shapes together and you get your picture. My children and I have been working through his animal book and they are having a great time. So, during a sketching session I drew a triangle fox.

Later I Googled "foxes" and looked through the images online. I sketched and traced (using my iPad like a lightbox. It has a Zagg Shield on it so I won't scratch the screen) from real photos to get a feel for the fox.

And then I played around with different ways to make him whimsical.

When I put one into a piece of artwork I can play around with his look depending on the medium I am using.



I pretty much do the same process with all my animals. I think about their basic shape. I look at real pictures of them and then I play around with making them cute and whimsical.

If you think you "can't draw" I highly recommend going to the art section in the children's department in your local library and get Ed Emberley's books. They are simple and fun and great for all ages. Once you see that things are made up of shapes you will be able to look at something in real life and break it down into shapes. My cat Oscar is a fat pear with ears for example. (don't tell him I said that).

Be brave. Give drawing a go!

Here is a video interview of Ed Emberley as well!


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Falling in Love with Drawing

My art career began back in 2004. I was a decorative painter and a muralist. I learned to draw and create with my brush. I rarely did anything with a pencil. I was a part of a business group and one of the members wanted me to create a business card for him. I told him this wasn't my thing but I needed the money and he seemed to have faith in me. So I painted a picture of what he wanted. He loved it. Scanned it into his computer and printed out cards. Another member of the group liked the business card and asked me to create a new logo for him. Mind you, I wasn't a graphic designer or an illustrator. I painted murals. But he insisted and I drew a logo for him. Well, his partner (who wasn't a people person) did not like my creation for them and spent 20 minutes telling me how awful I was as an artist and that his 6 year old could do better. (There was a reason this guy didn't represent his company in the group!) I think I cried for several hours after this horrible conversation. It shook my confidence and I left the group a few months later. All artists have stories like this one. Someone comes along and tells them they aren't as great as they think they are. I didn't attempt drawing again until 2 years ago. And, I have to tell you, I love it! It's meditative and fun at the same time. Most important, I do it for me.

I made myself some ground rules when I decided to improve my drawing skills.

Don't label it as "good" or "bad"

Don't compare my work with others

Draw what I like

Draw every day

Explore and have fun

So, I draw fun characters or scribbles. Whatever I feel like. I know every mark is just going to make me better. I post my sketches to Instagram pretty much every day. Here are some I've done in the past week or so.






This giraffe is all pastel and colored pencil.

This owl I did on my iPad with the Adobe Ideas app

Drawing can be so much fun when you let go of your fears and let go of past negative criticisms. I understand not everyone is going to like my work. I believe my audience will find me. So, I'll keep drawing and creating. It brings me joy and finding your joy is what it's all about!

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you find your joy and give drawing (just for you) a go!

Follow me on Instagram or Twitter to see my daily sketches.


Thursday, May 2, 2013

On My Art Table

I've been floating from project to project. Working on whatever I'm drawn too.

Here are some of my latest projects.







There are other things I'm working on too. I'm slowly getting back in the groove. The craziness of April is finally over and my new adventures need lots of attention.

Have a wonderful weekend!